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Non-Zero Days

This is a holding page..


Before I think of something more fantastical to put here, I'm going to tell you about non-zero days.

I'm writing this in the midst of the coronavirus crisis and it is harder to practice - but more important than ever.


So what's a non-zero day?

Succinctly, it's about making every day count.


If you were told you were living the last day of your life - how much would you pay, for one day more?

£200? £2k, £20k?

Mine's probably the middle number*


That's how much every day you spend here is worth. And how much value you should seek to extract from it.

It's not a financial target. Do not spend it. But aim to get that much utility out of life each day.


And even if you don't gain that value one day, every day make an effort towards it.

For example, every day, I have an alarm that goes off every 2 hours between 7am and 7pm. That tells me I have to do 20 pushups.

Most days I do - but some days I just can't. Life, the universe and sometimes just a general fatigue with things, mean I can't commit to all of it.

But even on those days.. I will make sure I do at least one. One sad, solitary press-up is still a step-up on none. 

So I might not have a £2k day. But by my own standards (and this is just one in a complex) it was a non-zero day and I have made a small step to my chosen improvement.


Aim to make every day a non-zero day.

Practice it - and you make every day here worth it 

*Don't ape me. Decide your own. I'm going to be fairly comfortable with my time when it comes and I think that's what it will cost, to do the last things I want to, and make sure stuff is wrapped up. Don't use me as your guide. I tend to do everything I want to, in close proximity to when it occurs to me. 



I'm an investor. And an economist. In life, and in companies.




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